The Western Balkans Security Barometer (WBSB)

The Western Balkans Security Barometer (WBSB) is a new regional initiative launched by KCSS in 2020, as a successor of KCSS’s program Kosovo Security Barometer implemented in Kosovo for eight consecutive years.

Barometri i Sigurisë i Ballkanit Perëndimor (BSBP)

About Project

WBSB is a regional initiative that measures public perceptions in Albania, Kosovo and Serbia for a wide range of security, rule of law, justice, regional cooperation and peacebuilding issues. By measuring the public opinion in the three countries, WBSB identifies various existing and emerging threats and challenges as perceived by the citizens in the Western Balkans. 

The overall goal of the project is to utilize the public perception measurement into a credible accountability seeking and advocacy instrument, capable of positively influencing the trajectory of the key domestic and regional security, foreign policy, and rule of law developments in the Western Balkans countries. Furthermore, the project aims to facilitate the regional cooperation and the rapprochement of WB societies by exposing, addressing, and combating inter-cultural stereotypes by providing concrete measurable and credible data in relevant topics. The WBSB further aims to translate research findings into a potent tool for addressing key internal, bilateral, and regional issues through intense evidence-based advocacy activities.

The WBSB strengthens and diversifies the advocacy role of civil society towards respective governments and other influential stakeholders in promoting and undertaking necessary reforms and actions for the benefit of all communities by producing first-hand credible data on a yearly basis.

The project is led by Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) and is implemented in partnership with Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCSP) in Serbia and Center for the Study of Democracy and Governance (CSDG) in Albania.

WBSB is supported by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).


Tringa Naka


Florent Gashi