Western Balkans Security Barometer - Focus group with Stakeholders


Barometri Kosovar i Sigurisë - Fokus grup me përfaqësues të institucioneve

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) on 16th of October 2020, organized a focus group with stakeholders representing the key institutions, which are a research subject of the Western Balkans Security Barometer Survey - 2020 Edition.

The aim of the focus group was to present the preliminary findings of the survey, namely the chapter of trust in security, justice and central institutions, citizen's perception on corruption in these institutions and the direct contact of citizens with the respective institutions.

The representatives of institutions assessed that the perception of trust is closely linked to the direct contact they have with the citizens as well as various processes and developments that receive greater public attention.

Furthermore, the findings of this year's edition of the Kosovo Security Barometer were also seen as an indicator of the need for wider cooperation and communication between different institutions and raising citizen's awareness of the mandate and work of various institutions.

Participants in this meeting assessed that the Kosovo Security Barometer is a very credible and necessary mechanism for developing and improving the work of institutions, while its findings contribute to the overall debate on the efficiency of institutions and raising awareness among both citizens and within the institutions.

The focus group included representatives from the Kosovo Police, the Kosovo Security Force, Ministry of Defense, State Prosecutor's Office, Anti-Corruption Agency and Kosovo Customs.

This activity is organized in the framework of the project "Western Balkans Security Barometer" supported by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).