Citizens' Perceptions on Kosovo's EU Integration Perspective and Regional and International Cooperation


Perceptimi i Qytetarëve për Perspektivën Integrimit të Kosovës në BE dhe Bashkëpunimin Rajonal e Ndërkombëtar

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies

Supported by

National Endowment for Democracy (NED)


Dea Fetiu, Shpat Balaj


This Western Balkans Security Barometer report examines the perceptions of Kosovo citizens about Kosovo's EU integration process, and the regional and international cooperation.

This report consists of two sections. The first section analyzes the public perceptions towards the EU integration, Kosovo’s progress in fulfilling the EU membership criteria, the bilateral relations, and the influence of EU countries towards Kosovo, and an assessment of the EU as a mediator in the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. The second section addresses regional cooperation within the Western Balkans countries, the bilateral relations, and the influence of these countries towards Kosovo. 

The analysis of this report is based on the results of the survey through face-to-face interviews with randomly selected respondents throughout Kosovo, in September, 2021.