
Emerging Threats


Examining the Factors of Vulnerability and Resilience: The Nexus Between Disinformation and Interethnic Relations in Kosovo

Promovimi i Transparencës dhe Përgjegjshmërisë së Qeverisë në Dialogun Ndër-etnik


Promoting Government Transparency and Accountability in Inter-ethnic Dialogue

Rishpikja e Angazhimit përmes Konsultimeve Afirmative të Qytetarëve - REACH


Reinventing Engagement through Affirmative Citizen Consultations - REACH

This project aims to strengthen citizen participation on the European policy issues. In the first phase…

Promovimi i ndërtimit të paqes në bazë dhe bashkëpunimit ndëretnik në Kosovë

Foreign Policy and Regional Security Cooperation


Promoting grassroots peacebuilding and interethnic cooperation in Kosovo

Donor: Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD) Duration: 8 months: May-December 2024 Project lead: New Social…

Avancimi i Bashkëpunimit Rajonal të Sigurisë në Ballkanin Perëndimor: Një Fushatë Avokimi në fazën fillestare të WB6 në arkitekturën e sigurisë dhe sundimit të ligjit të BE-së

Foreign Policy and Regional Security Cooperation


Advancing Regional Security Cooperation in the Western Balkans: An Advocacy Campaign to Phase-in WB6 into EU’s security and rule of law architecture

This is an advocacy project funded by the Open Society Foundations – Western Balkans that seeks to…

Fuqizimi i të rinjve të margjinalizuar etnikisht në Kosovë dhe Bosnjë e Hercegovinë


Ethnically Marginalized Youth Empowerment in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina

To build bridges between especially ethnically marginalized communities in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina…

Krijimi i konsensusit për sigurinë në Ballkanin Perëndimor

Foreign Policy and Regional Security Cooperation


Shaping security consensus in the Western Balkans

In the framework of the preparations for the 2023 Tirana Civil Society and Think Tank Forum, the Kosovar…

OppAttune- Countering Oppositional Political Extremism Through Attuned Dialogue: Track, Attune, Limit

Building Resilient Communities/Prevention and Countering of Violent Extremism (P/CVE)


OppAttune- Countering Oppositional PO

Implementation period: April 2023 – March 2026. The project is implemented by: 17 consortium partners…

Narrativat e mediave sociale: Adresimi i Ekstremizmit në Moshën e Mesme - SMIDGE

Building Resilient Communities/Prevention and Countering of Violent Extremism (P/CVE)


Social media narratives: Addressing Extremism in Middle Age - SMIDGE

The SMIDGE project will develop counter narratives aimed at the 45-65 age group, by analysing the various…

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