Promoting Government Transparency and Accountability in Inter-ethnic Dialogue

Promovimi i Transparencës dhe Përgjegjshmërisë së Qeverisë në Dialogun Ndër-etnik

About Project

Duration: 12 Months 
Start Date August 01, 2024 
End Date July 31, 2025

In the face of escalating nationalism and ethno-political radicalization in Kosovo, this project aims to confront and mitigate interethnic tensions, improve governmental transparency and accountability, and enhance the operational capacities of the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS). The deterioration of interethnic relations, notably following significant political events such as the collective resignation of Kosovo Serb officials in 2022, underscores the urgency of these efforts. These dynamics are further exacerbated by a decline in democratic governance, as reported by both the 2024 Freedom House Report and the U.S. State Department's Annual Report on Human Rights for Kosovo, which highlight increased incidents of interethnic strife and assaults on media and civil society.

This project is structured around three focused objectives: enhancing interethnic relations, bolstering government transparency in normalization dialogues with Serbia, and strengthening the strategic capabilities of the KCSS. 

With respect to facilitating positive interethnic relations in Kosovo, this project includes the development of an interactive risk monitor to identify and respond to emerging interethnic conflicts swiftly. It also encompasses public awareness campaigns and community dialogues in multiethnic municipalities to foster mutual understanding and cooperation. The culmination of these efforts will be advocacy for policy reforms and public hearings to ensure these issues remain a priority for governmental action.

Concerning government transparency and accountability, the proposed project will critically evaluate the transparency of the ongoing EU-led normalization dialogue, with a focus on Kosovo government. By engaging a wide range of stakeholders, including government representatives, political parties, journalists, and experts, the project seeks to cultivate a more open dialogue process and enhance public understanding of what is happening in the dialogue and counter potential misinformation campaigns targeting the dialogue. 

Lastly, the project seeks to develop the capacities of the KCSS, through a strategic planning retreat and the establishment of a new Advisory Board in order to bolster the governance and strategic direction of KCSS. These steps are designed to enhance the center’s analytical and strategic planning capabilities, enabling it to more effectively contribute to national discussions on security, democratic governance, and interethnic relations.

By addressing these critical areas, the project aims not only to mediate current tensions but also to lay a foundation for greater civil society engagement concerning the democratic integrity in Kosovo, in context of interethnic relations and normalization of relations with Serbia. The successful implementation of these objectives will contribute to a more inclusive society, reflective of Kosovo’s multiethnic character.

This project is supported by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). 


Ramadan Ilazi