Advancing Regional Security Cooperation in the Western Balkans: An Advocacy Campaign to Phase-in WB6 into EU’s security and rule of law architecture

This is an advocacy project funded by the Open Society Foundations – Western Balkans that seeks to achieve three key objectives:

Avancimi i Bashkëpunimit Rajonal të Sigurisë në Ballkanin Perëndimor: Një Fushatë Avokimi në fazën fillestare të WB6 në arkitekturën e sigurisë dhe sundimit të ligjit të BE-së

About Project

Promote Compliance with EU Regulation 2019/452 in the Western Balkans: The campaign seeks to assess where do the countries of the Western Balkans, respectively; Kosovo, North Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzergovina, Montenegro and Albania stand in relations to harmonization of the national with the standards of the EU regulation on foreign direct investment (2019/452) and in doing so promote further alignment/.

Support Integration into ENISA and EU Cybersecurity Mechanisms: It aims to promote the inclusion of Western Balkan countries into the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the EU Cybersecurity Incident Review Mechanism, enhancing regional cybersecurity capabilities.

Support Inclusion in the EU Rule of Law Mechanisms: The initiative advocates for the inclusion of Western Balkan countries in the EU Rule of Law Report Mechanism and the EU’s foreign direct investment regulation Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation, aiming to strengthen governance and legal standards across the region.

The main expected results from this project include:

Publication of a Detailed Alignment Report: The assessment will result in a comprehensive report that will guide the Western Balkan countries in enhancing their compliance with EU regulation concerning foreign direct investment, respectively regulation 2019/452, directly impacting policy adjustments to combat corruption and foreign interference.

Strategic Policy Directions: The policy briefs developed will serve as a foundational guide for Western Balkan government as well as the European Commission, outlining clear and strategic pathways for their integration into critical EU security and legal frameworks, such as ENISA.

Enhanced Regional and EU Dialogue: The policy roundtables and advocacy meetings are expected to foster stronger relationships and networks between Western Balkan policymakers and their EU counterparts, enhancing mutual understanding and cooperation.


Ramadan Ilazi