Promoting grassroots peacebuilding and interethnic cooperation in Kosovo

Donor: Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD) Duration: 8 months: May-December 2024 Project lead: New Social Initiative (NSI) KCSS role: Implementing partner This project includes a series of activities aimed at fostering interethnic cooperation, advancing peacebuilding efforts, and supporting the integration of non-majority communities in Kosovo. These activities are structured to engage local communities directly, promote dialogue, and generate actionable insights into improving interethnic relations.

Promovimi i ndërtimit të paqes në bazë dhe bashkëpunimit ndëretnik në Kosovë

About Project

The project is dedicated to advancing interethnic cooperation and peacebuilding, with a particular focus on the integration of non-majority communities in various regions. Project will begin by conducting focus groups in Mitrovica North/South and Prishtina/Gracanica to assess the current state of interethnic relations and identify effective mechanisms for fostering integration and peace. These discussions will be supplemented by a thorough document analysis to provide a comprehensive understanding of the existing challenges and opportunities in this area.

Following these initial assessments, project includes publication of a report outlining key findings on the state of interethnic cooperation, peacebuilding efforts, and integration efforts. To further engage with local communities and gather additional insights, the project has planned to organize five public events in five multiethnic municipalities, including Shtërpcë/Strpce, Viti/Vitina, Kamenicë/Kamenica, Lipjan/Lipljan, and Mitrovica South. These events will involve Municipal Assembly Community Committees and serve as platforms for dialogue and collaboration among diverse community members.

The culmination of our efforts will be a concluding conference, where we will present our findings, share best practices, and discuss future steps for sustaining and enhancing interethnic cooperation and integration. This comprehensive approach aims to build a more cohesive and inclusive society by addressing both grassroots and systemic aspects of peacebuilding and community integration.


Ramadan Ilazi