
Raporti i ri i QKSS thekson rrugën drejt qëndrueshmërisë në mbrojtjen kibernetike dhe infrastrukturën kritike të Kosovës


KCSS new Report Highlights the Road to Resilience in Kosovo's Cyber Defense and Critical Infrastructure

The Kosovar Center for Security Studies (KCSS) has released a comprehensive report titled "Road to Resilience:…

QKSS ka zhvilluar një sesion trajnimi me zyrtarë nga shërbimet korrektuese dhe sprovuese


KCSS conducted a training session with officials from correctional and probation services

On April 17th and 18th, KCSS conducted a training session with officials from correctional and probation…

Përmbyllet me sukses projekti “De-Radikalizimi në Evropë dhe më gjerë: Zbulim, Zgjidhje dhe Ri-integrim (D.Rad)”


KCSS attends the final conference of the “D.Rad: De-radicalisation in Europe and Beyond” project

Representatives from KCSS attended the final conference of the “D.Rad: De-radicalisation in Europe…

Drejtori Ekzekutiv i QKSS, Mentor Vrajolli, emërohet në Komitetin Drejtues të EPLO


Executive Director of KCSS, Mentor Vrajolli, Appointed to EPLO Steering Committee

We are delighted to share news from our organization! Our Executive Director, Mentor Vrajolli, has been…

Webinari i SMIDGE: Kuptimi i ekstremizmit të ekstremit të djathtë


SMIDGE Webinar: Understanding Far-Right Extremism

On March 29, 2024, the Kosovar Center for Security Studies (KCSS) launched the first webinar of the SMIDGE…

Tender Notice: Database Development for Kosovo Probation Service (KPS)


Tender Notice: Database Development for Kosovo Probation Service (KPS)

Tender Notice Database Development for the needs of Kosovo Probation Service (KPS) Deadline for sending…


Call for Application: Facilitator for Leadership Youth Camp - Ethnically Marginalized Youth Empowerment

Background: The project "Ethnically Marginalized Youth Empowerment in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina"…


Call for Students (International Youth Leadership Camp) – Montenegro 2024

The project "Ethnically Marginalized Youth Empowerment in Kosovo* and Bosnia and Herzegovina" aims to…


Ftesë për ofertë për akomodim në Mal të Zi për 25 persona

Qendra Kosovare per Studime te Sigurise po zbaton projektin “Fuqizimi i të rinjve të margjinalizuar…

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