Executive Director of KCSS, Mentor Vrajolli, Appointed to EPLO Steering Committee


Drejtori Ekzekutiv i QKSS, Mentor Vrajolli, emërohet në Komitetin Drejtues të EPLO

We are delighted to share news from our organization! Our Executive Director, Mentor Vrajolli, has been appointed to serve on the distinguished Steering Committee of the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO).

This appointment not only highlights Mentor's exceptional leadership but also underscores our organization's significant contributions to the field of peacebuilding and conflict resolution.

Since our inception and subsequent partnership with EPLO in 2011, our organization (KCSS), has remained steadfast in our commitment to advancing peacebuilding efforts. Through our active involvement both locally and regionally, we have continuously worked towards preventing violent conflicts and fostering sustainable peace.

Mentor Vrajolli's appointment to the EPLO Steering Committee is a reflection of our organization's dedication to promoting peace on a broader scale. It is a testament of KCSS tireless efforts and unwavering commitment to creating positive change in the region.