KCSS attends the final conference of the “D.Rad: De-radicalisation in Europe and Beyond” project


Përmbyllet me sukses projekti “De-Radikalizimi në Evropë dhe më gjerë: Zbulim, Zgjidhje dhe Ri-integrim (D.Rad)”

Representatives from KCSS attended the final conference of the “D.Rad: De-radicalisation in Europe and Beyond” project, held at the Freie University in Berlin, between 21-23 March, 2024.

The conference brought together project partners from all over the world, including KCSS, as well as attendees from the academic community, to present the project's achieved results and reflect on the work done. The conference also featured academic papers presented by researchers and scholars whose work touched on relevant themes addressed by the project.

Since December 2020, KCSS has been implementing the D.Rad project as part of the RIA scheme, the Research and Innovation Initiative, in the framework of Horizon 2020, funded by the European Union and coordinated by Glasgow Caledonian University. As part of this project, KCSS has published a series of reports and research articles, which can be accessed via the following link: Kosovo – D.Rad Project (dradproject.com).