
Deklaratë në lidhje me arrestimin apo kidnapimin e tre pjesëtarëve të Policisë së Kosovës


A statement with respect to the arrest or kidnapping of three members of the Kosovo Police

Prishtina, June 15, 2023: The Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS), as the leading security think-tank…

Stafi i QKSS-së merr pjesë në Trajnimin mbi Monitorim, Vlerësim dhe Mësim (MEL)


KCSS Staff Participates in Capacity Building Training on Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL)

In an effort to enhance its monitoring, evaluation, and learning practices, the staff of the KCSS is…

Trajnim profesional mbi fuqinë e komunikimit për zhvillim


Vocational training on the power of communication for development

Dy shkolla që ndajnë një oborr dhe një harmoni loje fëmijësh


Two schools sharing a yard and a children's playground

QKSS nënshkruan marrëveshje bashkëpunimi me UBT


KCSS has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with UBT

Në Kamenicë u zhvillua takimi i dytë i Forumit të Komunitetit për Interes Publik


The second meeting of the Community Forum for Public Interest took place in Kamenica

Kamenica, May 25, 2023: The second meeting of the Community Forum for Public Interest took place in Kamenica,…

Në Lipjan u zhvillua takimi i tretë i Forumit të Komunitetit për Interes Publik


The third meeting of the Community Forum for Public Interest took place in Lipjan

Lipjan, May 26, 2023: The third meeting of the Community Forum for Public Interest took place in Lipjan,…

QKSS ka organizuar një Trajnim për Metodologjitë e Hulumtimit


KCSS organizes a Training on Research Methodology

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies has recently concluded a comprehensive research methodology training…

Mbahet punëtoria interaktive “Transformimi i hapësirës së Kampusit Universitar të Prishtinës përmes perspektivës shoqërore” në kuadër të projektit DRAD


KCSS hosts the interactive workshop “Transforming the University Campus Space in Prishtina through a Social Perspective”, in the scope of the DRAD project

The Kosovar Center for Security Studies (KCSS) organized today an interactive workshop titled "Transforming…

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