Regional meeting of the Regional Program of Youth Partnerships - Becic, Montenegro


Takimi rajonal i Programit Rajonal të Partneriteteve të Rinisë – Becic, Mali i Zi

The Regional Youth Partnerships Program was held in Becic, Montenegro, from 21 to 26 April 2024. Representatives from Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia came together to learn more about the power of peace building and reconciliation in Western Balkans.

The recent training program focused on enhancing understanding and reconciliation in post-conflict regions through a diverse range of topics centered on dialogue, media literacy, and education. Participants engaged with experts and practitioners to explore strategies for peacebuilding, emphasizing the importance of open communication, innovative understanding methods, grassroots peace efforts, and the role of education in EU integration. Sessions examined the media's impact on ethnic tensions and gender representation, and explored how artistic expressions can aid healing in post-conflict societies. The dynamics of Albanian-Serbian relations were analyzed, and strategic insights were provided the trainers. The program underscored the interconnectedness of media, education, art, and dialogue in building sustainable peace in post-conflict regions.