
Publikimi i raportit: Barometri Kosovar i Sigurisë - Edicioni i dhjetë


Publication of report: Kosovo Security Barometer - Tenth Edition

Publikimi i raportit: Ndikimi rus në Kosovë në hijet e mitit dhe realitetit


Publication of report: Russian Influence in Kosovo in the Shadows of Myth and Reality

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) today, on 12 of November 2020, has published the report “Russian…

Infrastuktura e integritetit: Korrupsioni dhe zotimet anti-korrupsion në Ballkanin Perëndimor


Infrastructure of integrity: Corruption and anti-corruption in the Western Balkans

This executive summary and the full report of Infrastructure of integrity: Corruption and anti-corruption…

Anketë online lidhur me perceptimet e migrantëve ndaj Evropës por edhe sfidat, pengesat dhe problemet aktuale


PERCEPTIONS project has launched the online survey with practitioners in the field of migration

Dear partners, It is with great pleasure that Kosovar Centre for Security Studies in cooperation with…

Qëndrushmëria e komunitetit kundër ekstremizmit të dhunshëm: Publikimi i klipit të animuar në kuadër të projektit PAVE


Community resilience against violent extremism: EU project PAVE releases animated clip

PAVE, the Horizon 2020 research project investigating the root causes and driving factors of violent…

Barometri Kosovar i Sigurisë - Fokus grup me përfaqësues të institucioneve


Western Balkans Security Barometer - Focus group with Stakeholders

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) on 16th of October 2020, organized a focus group with stakeholders…

Fokus grup me hulumtues në terren


Focus group with Field researchers

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS), during the past week has organized two focus groups with…

PAVE: U mbajt takimi i parë me akterët kyç në Maqedoninë Veriore


First PAVE stakeholder committee meeting held in North Macedonia

KCSS has held the first of multiple planned PAVE stakeholder committee meetings took place on October…

Trajnim me zyrtarët e Shërbimit Sprovues të Kosovës


Training with representatives of Kosovo Probation Service

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCS) has organized today the training with Kosovo Probation Service…