
Publikimi i raportit: Luftëtarët e huaj dhe diaspora e Kosovëes - Rasti i Gjermanisë


Publication of the report: Foreign Fighters and Kosovo's Diaspora - The Case of Germany

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) today, on 8th of October 2020 has published the research report…

Publikim i raportit: Indeksi Kosovar i reziliencës - Ekstremizmi i dhunshëm në Kosovë: Çfarë mund të mësojmë nga rezilienca në komunitet?


Publication of the report: Kosova Resilience Index - Violent Extremism in Kosova: What community resilience can teach us?

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) today, on September 30, 2020 has published the research report…

Trajnim për hulumtues në terren: Barometri i Sigurisë në Ballkanin Perëndimor


Training for field researchers: Western Balkans Security Barometer

KCSS has organized the training for the field research team as part of the first edition of the Western…

Komunikatë për media: Radari i krimit të organizuar në Ballkanin Perëndimor


Press release: Western Balkans fund assists capacity building of regional NGO's in the fight against organized crime

Contemporary organized crime is one of the most striking forms of endangering the security of states…

Konkurs për pranimin e hulumtuesve në terren - Barometri i Sigurisë në Ballkanin Perëndimor  2020


Call for Applications for field researchers - Western Balkans Security Barometer 2020

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) invites all the interested potential candidates to apply for…

Kryesuesi i Bordit të QKSS-së përfundoi me sukses Kolegjin Mbretëror për Studime të Mbrojtjes


KCSS Chair of Board Successfully completed the Royal College of Defence Studies

KCSS Chair of Board Dr Florian Qehaja has successfully the flagship defence leadership programme of the…

Publimi i raportit: Perceptimet e komunitetit mbi ekstremizmin e dhunshëm dhe riatdhesimin e qytetarëve të Kosovës nga fushëbetejat e ISIS-it


Publication of report: Community perceptions on violent extremism and repatriation of Kosovo Citizens from ISIS Battlegrounds

Today, on 26th of May 20201, Kosovar Centre for Security Studies published the latest research report…

Ballkani, Bashkimi Evropian dhe të tjerët


The Balkans, The EU and the Others

The relations between the European Union and the Western Balkan countries have been key discussion topics…

Diskutim online - Flasim për riintegrimin me qytetarët e Komunës së Podujevës


Online discussion with citizens of Podujeve Municipality - The importance of reintegration of citizens

Respecting the preventive measures against Covid-19, the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies is continuing…

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