Publication of report: Russian Influence in Kosovo in the Shadows of Myth and Reality


Publikimi i raportit: Ndikimi rus në Kosovë në hijet e mitit dhe realitetit

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) today, on 12 of November 2020, has published the report “Russian Influence in Kosovo in the Shadows of Myth and Reality”  authored by Mr. Elis Vllasi Fulbright Visiting Scholar at KCSS and Lecturer at Purdue University in the US.

This report sheds light on the extent to which Russian influence in Kosovo and the region has been exercised. It provides a thorough contextual understanding of the Russian foothold in the region and particularly Kosovo. The report as such provides for the first time comprehensive empirical based research on the myriad of Russian influence in the broader fields of politics, security, economy and culture. It adds to the growing knowledge of non-western powers influencing the dynamics in Kosovo and Western Balkans, often to the detriment of democracy and liberal peacebuilding efforts. In short, the report provides answer to set of questions pertaining Russian interests vis-à-vis Kosovo.

The report was published in an online event, with presentation of the key findings by Dr Elis Vlasi, followed with comments by Mr Lulzim Peci, Executive Director and Principal Founder of KIPRED. The panel was moderated by Dr Florian Qehaja, Chair of the Board of KCSS.

The webinar was attended by more than 35 representatives, including participation of government and non-governmental officials, local and international experts, international journalists and researchers in the field as well as representatives of diplomatic presence in Kosovo.

The presentation of report can be found Here

The report can be found here: Albanian, English

This research was sponsored through a Fulbright Fellowship, U.S. Department of State, and the assistance of Kosovar Center for Security Studies as host institution.