Infrastructure of integrity: Corruption and anti-corruption in the Western Balkans


Infrastuktura e integritetit: Korrupsioni dhe zotimet anti-korrupsion në Ballkanin Perëndimor

This executive summary and the full report of Infrastructure of integrity: Corruption and anti-corruption in the Western Balkans are an output of the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime’s Civil Society Observatory to Counter Organized Crime in South Eastern Europe (SEE-Obs).

SEE-Obs is a platform that connects and empowers civil-society actors in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. It aims to enable civil society to identify, analyze and map criminal trends, and their impact on illicit flows, governance, development, interethnic relations, security and the rule of law. SEE-Obs supports civil society in their monitoring of national dynamics and wider regional and international organized-crime trends. SEE-Obs was launched as an outcome of the 2018 Western Balkans Summit in London, a part of the Berlin Process.

This publication is based on national-monitoring reports completed by Krisela Hackaj (Albania), Eldan Mujanovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Mentor Vrajolli (Kosovo), Dejan Milovac (Montenegro), Slagjana Taseva (North Macedonia) and Miodrag Milosavljevic (Serbia). We thank the experts for their insightful contributions and the valuable engagement throughout the project.

The report was synthesized and analyzed by Ugljesa Ugi Zvekic and Suncana Roksandic Vidlicka. Special thanks go to Walter Kemp and Kristina Amerhauser for their support and work on the executive summary and the report.

This publication was produced with the financial support of the United Kingdom’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Kingdom.

The report can be accessed below in respective languages:

