
Publikim i raportit: Sfidat dhe praktikat e gjithëpërfshirjes në Sektorin e Sigurisë në Kosovë


Publication of the report: Challenges and Practices of inclusiveness in Kosovo's security Sector

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) has published today the research report "Challenges and Practices…

Publikim i raportit: Marrëveshjet e Dialogut teknik Kosovë-Serbi: Përshtypjet në terren


Publication of the report "Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue Agreements: field impressions"

Today, February 28, the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies held a conference to publish the report "Kosovo-Serbia…

Dialogu Kosovë -Serbi: A i dëgjojnë politikanët qytetarët?


Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue: Do politicians hear the citizens?

KCSS researchers Donika Marku and Plator Avdiu participated in the Conference “Kosovo- Serbia Dialogue:…

Kuptimi i shkaqeve të radikalizmit dhe ektremizmit të dhunshëm: Lansimi i projektit hulumtues ndërkombëtar PAVE


Understanding the drivers of radicalisation and violent extremism: Launch of the international research project PAVE

Berlin, Germany, 19 February 2020 – The new EU research project PAVE (Preventing and Addressing Violent…

Ndërtimi i qëndrueshmërisë: Komunitetet kundër ekstremizmit të dhunshëm në Komunën e Vitisë


Building resilience: Communities against violent extremism in Municipality of Vitija

KCSS has organized today, on 19th of February 2020, the next activity in the municipality of Vitia, within…

Faza Finale: Rifillimi i dialogut Kosovë-Serbi


Final stage: Restarting Kosovo- Serbia Dialogue

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) today, on 14th of February 2020, has organized the conference:…

Fuqizimi i Këshillit komunal për siguri në Bashkësi  (KKSB)


Strengthening municipal community safety councils

Kosovar Centre of Security Studies (KCSS) today, on February 13th, 2020, organized a discussion roundtable…

Zgjerimi i BE-së i zgjatur - Mes kontrollit dhe reformës


EU enlargement on hold - Between containment and reform

Ndërtimi i qëndrushmërisë: Komunitetet kundër ekstremizmit të dhunshëm në Komunën e Gjilanit


Building resilience: Communities against violent extremism in Municipality of Gjilan

KCSS is continuing its activities aiming to empower the role of women in security and justice sector.…

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