
Transformimi i konfliktit përmes edukimit të paqes me empati


Conflict transformation through empathetic peace education

Gara e Eseve Western Balkans Security Barometer- Trajnim me Hulumtuesit e Ri


Western Balkans Security Barometer Essay Competition - Training with Young Researchers

As part of the Western Balkans Security Barometer (WBSB) program, the WBSB Essay Contest is being held.…

QKSS publikon raportin “Menaxhimi i pandemisë COVID-19 në Kosovë”


KCSS published report on “COVID-19 Management in Kosovo”

On March 28, 2023, the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies held the conference titled “Lessons learned…

Trajnimi “Fuqizimi i kapaciteteve të punëtorëve të vijës së parë për të parandaluar radikalizimin”


"Strengthening the capacities of frontline workers to prevent radicalization" training

In the framework of the DRIVE project, KCSS has organized the third training with frontline workers to…

Takimi i dytë i rrjetit të Bashkëpunimit Rinor Rajonal të Ballkanit Perëndimor


The second Western Balkans Regional Youth Partnership meeting

The second Western Balkans Regional Youth Partnership All-Network meeting in Novi Sad, Serbia, in which…

Takimi fillues i projektit SMIDGE- Narrativat e Mediave Sociale, Adresimi i Ekstremizmit në Moshën e Mesme


Kick-off meeting of the SMIDGE - Social Media Narratives, Addressing Extremism in Middle Age project

During the past week, the team of the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) stayed in Leicester…

Tryezë e rrumbullakët: Publikimi i Doracakut rreth Terrorizmit dhe Ekstremizmit të Dhunshëm në Kosovë


Roundtable: Publication of the Handbook on Terrorism and Violent Extremism in Kosovo

On March 9, 2023, the Kosovar Center for Security Studies (KCSS) organized the round table for the publication…

QKSS publikon Raportin e Dytë të BSBP 2022- Perceptimet e Qytetarëve për Sigurinë Publike dhe Kërcënimet ndaj Sigurisë Kombëtare në Kosovë


KCSS publishes the Second Report of WBSB 2022- Citizens’ Perceptions on Public Safety and Threats to National Security in Kosovo

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) has published today (February 28, 2023) the second report…

QKSS ka nënshkruar marrëveshje bashkëpunimi me komunën e Vitisë për krijimin e Forumeve të Komuniteteve me Interes Publik (CFPI)


KCSS has signed a cooperation agreement with the Municipality of Vitia for the creation of Community Forums of Public Interest (CFPI).

On 23/02/2023, KCSS signed a cooperation agreement with theMunicipality of Vitia for the creation of…

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