Kick-off meeting of the SMIDGE - Social Media Narratives, Addressing Extremism in Middle Age project


Takimi fillues i projektit SMIDGE- Narrativat e Mediave Sociale, Adresimi i Ekstremizmit në Moshën e Mesme

During the past week, the team of the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) stayed in Leicester for the starting meeting of the project "SMIDGE - Social Media Narratives, Addressing Extremism in Middle Age".

During this meeting, the next steps and priorities in the project were discussed. Part of the consortium for this project is KCSS, UCPH, UClanCYM UMIL, INEU, FVM, FAS and DMU. This project aims to analyze different forms of extremist discourses and narratives across Europe, creating counter-narratives targeting the 45-65 age group, with a duration from March 1, 2023 - March 2026.

This project is supported by the European Commission, Horizon Europe scheme.