
Trajnim për hartimin e programeve të rehabilitimit dhe ri-integrimit (R&R)  me Shërbimin Sprovues të Kosovës (ShSK) dhe Shërbimin Korrektues të Kosovës (ShKK)


Two-day training with the Kosovo Probation Service (KPS) and the Kosovo Correctional Service (KCS) for the drafting of programs of rehabilitation and reintegration (R&R

QKSS feston 15 vjetorin e themelimit me Konferencën Rajonale “15 Vjet të Mbikëqyrjes së Sistemit të Sigurisë”


KCSS celebrates its 15th anniversary with the Regional Conference "15 Years of Public Scrutiny of the Security Sector"

KCSS marked its 15th anniversary as the leading think tank in the security sector in Kosovo and the Western…

Mbledhja e Parë e Forumit të Komunitetit për Interes Publik (CFPI) në Lipjan


First Meeting of the Community Forum for Public Interest in Lipjan

On April 12 the first inaugural meeting of the Community Forum for Public Interest for the Municipality…

QKSS Lanson Logon e 15 Vjetorit


KCSS Launches the 15th Anniversary Logo

KCSS is marking its 15th anniversary as the leading think tank in the security sector in Kosovo and the…

Mbledhja e Parë e Forumit të Komunitetit për Interes Publik (CFPI) në Viti


First Meeting of the Community Forum for Public Interest in Viti

On April 7 the first meeting of the Community Forum for Public Interest in Vitia was organized.

Transformimi i konfliktit përmes edukimit të paqes me empati


Conflict transformation through empathetic peace education

Gara e Eseve Western Balkans Security Barometer- Trajnim me Hulumtuesit e Ri


Western Balkans Security Barometer Essay Competition - Training with Young Researchers

As part of the Western Balkans Security Barometer (WBSB) program, the WBSB Essay Contest is being held.…

QKSS publikon raportin “Menaxhimi i pandemisë COVID-19 në Kosovë”


KCSS published report on “COVID-19 Management in Kosovo”

On March 28, 2023, the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies held the conference titled “Lessons learned…

Trajnimi “Fuqizimi i kapaciteteve të punëtorëve të vijës së parë për të parandaluar radikalizimin”


"Strengthening the capacities of frontline workers to prevent radicalization" training

In the framework of the DRIVE project, KCSS has organized the third training with frontline workers to…

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