
Mbështetet nga Forumi i Komunitetit për Interes Publik Lipjan, QEAP “Qerdhja” në fshatin Gadime.


Community Forum for Public Interest Lipjan, supported QEAP "Qerdhja" in the village of Gadime

After several meetings organized by the Community Forum for Public Interest (CFPI) in the Municipality…

Komuna e Hanit të Elezit Nikoqire e Takimit Joformal Gruaja, Paqja dhe Siguria


Municipality of Hani i Elezit Hosts Gender, Peace, and Security Informal Discussion

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies today hosted a meeting on Gender, Peace, and Security in partnership…

Përfundon renovimi i hapësirës rekreative-sportive në Kamenicë


Successful completion of recreational-sports space in Kamenica

Takimi joformal i rradhës me gra dhe përfaqësues të institucioneve në Komunën e Shtërpces


Informal meeting between women and institution representatives in Shtërpce Municipality

KCSS has organized the next informal meeting between women and institution representatives in Shtërpce…

Në Graçanicë mbahet takimi i Forumit të Komunitetit për Interes Publik


Meeting of the Community Forums for Public Interest is held in Gracanica

Within the framework of the Promotion of Inter-Ethnic Relations and Cooperation (FIERC) project, implemented…

Meeting of the Community Forums for Public Interest is held in Shtërpca/Štrpce


Mbahet takimi i Forumit të Komunitetit për Interes Publik në Shtërpcë

The meeting focused on a general discussion of the overall state of play in the municipality with respect…

Deklaratë në lidhje me arrestimin apo kidnapimin e tre pjesëtarëve të Policisë së Kosovës


A statement with respect to the arrest or kidnapping of three members of the Kosovo Police

Prishtina, June 15, 2023: The Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS), as the leading security think-tank…

Stafi i QKSS-së merr pjesë në Trajnimin mbi Monitorim, Vlerësim dhe Mësim (MEL)


KCSS Staff Participates in Capacity Building Training on Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL)

In an effort to enhance its monitoring, evaluation, and learning practices, the staff of the KCSS is…

Trajnim profesional mbi fuqinë e komunikimit për zhvillim


Vocational training on the power of communication for development

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