Round table for the study report on the phenomenon of irregular migration during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic in Albania and Kosovo


Tryezë diskutimi për raportin studimor mbi fenomenin e migracionit të parregullt gjatë periudhës së pandemisë COVID-19 në Shqipëri dhe Kosovë

KCSS in cooperation with the association "Albanian Initiative for Development" (AID) presented at the round table, the findings of the study report on the phenomenon of irregular migration during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic in Albania and Kosovo.

In the round table it was discussed about the state of irregular migration in Albania and Kosovo during the pandemic years, the work of the institutions for handling migration cases during the pandemic, as well as the challenges and needs of these institutions.

Members from the field of academia, activists and employees of institutions took part in the discussion. The latter pledged to work towards incorporating the recommendations from the report into their work with cases of irregular migration.

It was agreed that increased regional cooperation would help to raise the quality of work in the treatment of irregular migration. Further, good practices of the countries that can be taken into account by the institutions of Albania and Kosovo were exchanged.

The report will be published soon on the KCSS website.

The project is financed by the European Union within the Civil Society and Media Program within the framework of "Increasing the engagement of CSOs in the management of protection-sensitive immigration". The project is implemented by Group 484, the Association "Albanian Initiative for Development" and the Kosovar Center for Security Studies (KCSS).