Building resilience: Communities against violent extremism in Municipality of Vitija


Ndërtimi i qëndrueshmërisë: Komunitetet kundër ekstremizmit të dhunshëm në Komunën e Vitisë

KCSS has organized today, on 19th of February 2020, the next activity in the municipality of Vitia, within the framework of Woman Security Forum.

This platform is bringing together representatives from local institutions, non-governmental organizations, representatives of religious communities, civil and military presence, and other community representatives, with particular emphasis on women in leadership positions in each municipality. These activities aim to strengthen the role of women as community leaders, advocate for  addressing their security concerns and dissatisaction, and promote the active role of women in preventing conflict, violence and violent extremism, regardless of ideology or ethnicity.

This activity discussed the representation of women and girls in local institutions, the challenges and dissatisfaction they may face, the measures that can be taken to raise awareness of the involvement of women and girls and the impact this has on building resilience in the communities.

The Woman Security Forum is implemented in the framework of the project "Building Resilience: Communities Against Violent Extremism" and is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kosovo.