
Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) has organized a roundtable in the Municipality of Prizren about the challenges of Kosovo towards violent extremism and radicalization and how to find the best practices to prevent and combat this phenomenon.

Invited as Panelist were:

Mr. Skender Perteshi, Researcher at KCSS

Mr. Kujtim Gashi, Chairman of Municipal Assembly in Prizren

Mr. Nexhmi Krasniqi, Regional Police Directorate in Prizren

Mr. Besim Berisha, Head of Islamic Association in Prizren

As a result of this conference it was stressed out that we should continue to work in three main areas in order to counter violent extremism:

- Involvement of youth in discussions about the threats and risks of violent extremism

- Strengthening of the local security mechanisms such as Municipal Community Safety Councils, Action Teams for Community Safety and village councils in fight against violent extremism

- Commitment by the Islamic community in Prizren to continue working for the prevention of this phenomenon.

This conference is organized in the framework of KCSS programme to counter violent extremism supported by the US Embassy in Prishtina, a project that aims to engage citizens' and community of 11 Municipalities of Kosovo in countering and preventing violent extremism and radicalization in Kosovo.