

On the 9th of March, Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) has organized a roundtable discussion with relevant stakeholders in the Municipality of Skenderaj. This event was organized in the framework of the project on “Countering violent extremism in Kosovo”, supported by US state department and implemented under supervision of US embassy in Kosovo.

Invited panelists in this conference were:

Mentor Vrajolli - Kosovar Center for Security Studies

Z. Ismet Salihu - Municipality of Skenderaj

Z. Nexhmidin Maksuti – Council of Islamic Association in Skenderaj

Z. Basri Durmishi - Kosovo Police- Local Police Station in Skenderaj

Invited to share their insights and challenges in their efforts to prevent and counter violent extremism in this region were other relevant representatives such as: civil society organizations, youth representatives, and directors of the main high schools of Skenderaj, , the leaders from the main villages in the Skenderaj,, Kosovo Police, media, citizens, EU representatives, OSCE representatives, and other relevant stake holders.

The participants have discussed about:

the risks and threats caused by violent extremism and radicalization in Kosovo;

challenges on preventing and countering of violent extremism and radicalization in Kosovo;

local and community level needs on countering and preventing of violent extremism and radicalization in Kosovo;

lack of understanding the phenomena of violent extremism and radicalization by citizens,  and lack of understanding the drivers of radicalization and violent extremism in Kosovo;

Lack of cooperation between local authorities and citizens when it comes addressing the citizen’s security concerns including the threat of violent extremism and radicalization in Kosovo

This event was rated as very important and was highly appreciated by the participants. Moreover they have highlighted the need to organize such meetings aiming to better coordinate and all activities in this municipality. This would not only help the community map the main local  stakeholders and their roles in preventing violent extremism, but will also ensure better impact and the implementation of activities set by the national strategy on preventing of violent extremism and radicalization which leads to terrorism.