KCSS Attends SMIDGE Project Consortium Meeting


QKSS merr pjesë në takimin e Konsorciumit të Projektit SMIDGE

Copenhagen, 13-14 May 2024: The second in person consortium meeting/General Assembly of the SMIDGE Project was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, hosted by the University of Copenhagen. The SMIDGE Project (Social Media Narratives: Addressing Extremism in Middle-Age) is a Horizon Europe funded research initiative launched in March 2023, with a three-year duration. The project tackles the urgent issue of conspiracy theories, misinformation, and extremism online, particularly affecting middle-aged individuals (45-65). This demographic is both vulnerable to extremist narratives and influential as decision-makers.

KCSS proudly contributes to the SMIDGE project, leading Work Package 6, which focuses on creating counter-narratives. Dr. Ramadan Ilazi, Head of Research at KCSS and team leader for Work Package 6, attended the meeting. The discussions centered on the progress and challenges in implementing the SMIDGE project, with the team noting that all planned milestones and activities have been achieved thus far. KCSS also presented the Data Management Plan (DMP), developed  in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Copenhagen and DMU, database of characteristics of the existing videos/content that promote extremist narratives online, and the webinar on far-right extremism that was held in March of this year,

For more information about the SMIDGE project, visit SMIDGE Project.