Kosovar Center for Security Studies (KCSS)
Skender Perteshi, Plator Avdiu
Results of the Kosovo Security Barometer for five consecutive years have listed the Kosovo Police and the Kosovo Security Force as the most trusted institutions by Kosovar citizens. However, there is still much to be done in terms of these institutions achieving excellence.
Despite the fact that the legal framework ensuring the integrity of security institutions is solid and continues to improve, findings indicate that further administrative capacity and mechanisms to ensure the sound implementation of this framework and the sound functioning of institutional integrity. Being the latter sector still below the desired standard and therefore affecting the performance of these institutions, risking a decline in citizens’ trust for the Kosovo Police and the Ministry of Kosovo Security Force, which is currently at its peak.
This publication is produced with the support of Democratic Society Promotion (DSP) project - financed by Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo (SCO-K) and managed by Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF). The content of this publication is the responsibility of and may in no way be considered as a position of SCO-K and KCSF.