Mainstreaming, Gender and Communication


Mainstreaming, Gender and Communication


Supported by

Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Union


Ardit Orana


D5.2 Country Report | February 2023  

The aim of this report is to engage comprehensively with media objects developed by both actors that promote radical narratives, and those that seek to counter them in Kosovo. In doing so, the report seeks to develop insights on how social media platforms are utilized in driving both radical and de-radical narratives, and the ways in which audiences engage and respond to them. This report is based on the premise that there is a need to systematically examine how misogynistic narratives are circulated online in Kosovo, and how actors reflect upon them based on their online performances. Similarly, it is based on an understanding of actors that aim to radicalize and deradicalize including non-governmental organizations and ordinary citizens.  

As such, the report is divided into four overall sections. The first part of the report seeks to assess the pathways that have influenced hegemonic gender representations in Kosovo. It specifically assesses this through engaging with the historical relevance of the 1999 war and its effects on gender presentations. The second part of the report analyses three prominent examples of agents of radicalizations through examining how social media is utilized to disseminate radical narratives. The third part of the report examines three prominent examples of agents of deradicalization. It aims to assess how stakeholders make use of social media performances to respond to both specific acts and systematic radicalization. The final part of the report examines the media presence of ordinary users and their roles and strategies in countering radicalization.