Time for Smart Integration at Community Level: Challenges and opportunities for improved interethnic relations in Kosovo from local and international perspectives


Koha për Integrim të Mençur në Nivel të Komunitetit: Sfidat dhe mundësitë për përmirësimin e marrëdhënieve ndëretnike në Kosovë nga perspektiva vendore dhe ndërkombëtare

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies

Supported by

Stability Pact Fund of the German Federal Foreign Office


Ramadan Ilazi, Dea Fetiu, Charlie Hawkes


This report provides an analysis of the local and international perceptions on the state of interethnic relations and cooperation in Kosovo. The report draws from the discussions of a focus-group with young Kosovars, as well as personal semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders from civil society as well as the public sector. The goal of this report is to help better understand what are some of the challenges are for the betterment of interethnic relations in Kosovo, as well as opportunities to advance interethnic cooperation. 

The Serbian version of this report can be found here.