Regional Cybersecurity Roundtable Held in Tirana to Advocate for Gradual Integration of the Western Balkans into EU Cybersecurity Mechanisms, Including ENISA organized by KCSS


QKSS mbajti tryezën Rajonale Të Sigurisë Kibernetike  në Tiranë për të Avokuar për integrimin gradual të Ballkanit Perëndimor në mekanizmat e BE-së për sigurinë kibernetike, përfshirë ENISA

Tirana, September 3, 2024: A high-level regional policy roundtable took place in Tirana, Albania, bringing together approximately 50 key policy actors from government and stakeholders in the international community. Co-organized by the Albanian National Cybersecurity Authority and supported by the Open Society Foundations - Western Balkans, the event focused on advancing the gradual integration of the Western Balkans Six (WB6) into the European Union's cybersecurity policies and mechanisms, particularly the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA).

During the roundtable, participants, including representatives from public institutions, regional organizations, embassies, the EU, and other international bodies, discussed the critical need for close cooperation between the Western Balkans and the EU to address emerging cybersecurity challenges.

Mr. Igli Tafa, Director of the Albanian National Cybersecurity Authority, underscored the importance of coordinated approaches to protect economies, institutions, and citizens, emphasizing the necessity of WB6 inclusion in EU cybersecurity initiatives.

Mr. Mentor Vrajolli, Executive Director of the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS), stated, “Ensuring that the WB6 has enhanced cooperation with the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) is no longer just an option; it is a necessity. As the EU continues to advance its digital and cybersecurity framework, our region must be part of these efforts to safeguard our infrastructure, economies, and societies from the growing threats in cyberspace.”

The discussions highlighted the importance of knowledge-sharing and active participation in EU initiatives as essential steps for building stronger defense capacities and creating a secure and sustainable digital space in both the Western Balkans and across Europe.

Key stakeholders reiterated the need for enhanced regional cooperation and alignment with EU cybersecurity standards as part of the region’s broader EU integration efforts. The roundtable is part of the ongoing ASCEND-WB6 project “Advancing Regional Security Cooperation in the Western Balkans:”, funded by Open Society Foundations – Western Balkans (OSF-WB), which advocates for the inclusion of the WB6 into the EU’s security and rule of law architecture, with a particular focus on cybersecurity integration.

This event marks a significant milestone in ongoing efforts to strengthen cybersecurity cooperation between the Western Balkans and the EU, with follow-up discussions planned in Berlin and Brussels later this year.