EU enlargement on hold - Between containment and reform


Zgjerimi i BE-së i zgjatur - Mes kontrollit dhe reformës

During 13-14 February, the KCSS researcher Donika Marku was a panelist at the international conference ‘EU Enlargement on Hold – Between Containment and Reform’ in Zagreb (13th-14th February 2020). Bearing in mind that the Euro- Atlantic perspective and regional cooperation stand as key components of stability in the Western Balkan countries, Marku talked about the importance of regional cooperation in the field of security.

The EU enlargement to the region, in the context of the 2020 Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU, was another focus of discussion. The debate dealt with challenges brought by the new EU enlargement methodology, but also by the contemporary international environment of the EU. In addition to debate about enlargement challenges to every country in the region, the participants also adopted the joint Declaration about the EU Enlargement Process and presented its main ideas and messages to the aforementioned officials from Croatian and European administration.

The full text of the Declaration is available here: The Declaration on EU Enlargement Perspectives to the Western Balkans