Training for journalists and students to identify and combat disinformation


Trajnim për gazetarë dhe student për identifikimin dhe luftimin e dezinformatave

Around 20 journalists and journalism students participated in an intensive two-day training on disinformation, organized by the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN Kosovo) and the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS). The training, held on September 21-22, 2024, aimed to provide practical knowledge on identifying, combating, and addressing the impact of Russian, Chinese, and religion-based disinformation in Kosovo.

The first day of the training, led by Skënder Perteshi from KCSS, focused on the context of religious radicalization and extremism in Kosovo and the wider region. Perteshi highlighted how extremist groups, both Islamic and Orthodox, use disinformation to promote their radical agendas. He discussed how these narratives often target vulnerable groups, aiming to undermine secularism, democracy, and social harmony.

Participants discussed the dynamics of religious extremism and online radicalization, how extremist groups use disinformation as a tool for recruitment, and the importance of developing counter-narratives to combat extremist ideologies and false information.

On the second day, Visar Prebreza from BIRN Kosovo introduced participants to the historical and ongoing impact of Russian and Chinese disinformation in Kosovo and the Balkans. Prebreza, an expert in fact-checking and mapping disinformation, delved into how these foreign actors use propaganda to shape public opinion and destabilize political and social environments.

Participants were encouraged to think critically about the impact of disinformation on Kosovo's political landscape, particularly regarding electoral processes, public trust in institutions, and media freedom. The training concluded with group work, where participants developed ideas for civic activism against disinformation, focusing on creating community-driven initiatives that empower individuals to recognize and reject false information.

This training was organized by BIRN Kosovo and KCSS as part of the project “Raising Public Awareness on Russian, Chinese, and Religious Disinformation and Equipping Journalism Students and Journalists with the Necessary Skills to Identify, Analyze, and Combat Disinformation,” supported by the Digital Activism Program from TechSoup Global.