Mentor Vrajolli, Executive Director of KCSS, Attended NESA Executive Seminar in Bangkok


Mentor Vrajolli, Drejtor Ekzekutiv i QKSS, mori pjesë në seminarin ekzekutiv të NESA në Bangkok

Last week, Mentor Vrajolli, Executive Director of the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS), participated in the Near East South Asia (NESA) Executive Seminar held in Bangkok from September 9 to 13, 2024. Vrajolli attended the seminar in dual capacities as both a speaker and a participant, contributing significantly to the discussions on regional security dynamics and challenges.

The seminar, titled “Security Dynamics and Challenges in South and Central Asia,” brought together experts and leaders from various sectors to address pressing security issues in the region. The event covered a wide range of topics, including climate change, cyber security threats, violent extremism, and forced migration. Participants engaged in in-depth discussions aimed at finding collaborative solutions to enhance regional partnerships and stability.

Vrajolli’s presentation, titled “Crafting Strategy for Counterterrorism - Best Practices from Western Balkans,” focused on effective counterterrorism strategies derived from the Western Balkans’ experience. He emphasized the importance of comprehensive approaches that integrate institutional reforms, community engagement, and regional cooperation. His insights provided valuable lessons and strategies applicable to the South and Central Asian context, highlighting the need for tailored solutions to address unique regional challenges. The feedback to Vrajolli’s presentation was highly positive, with many participants praising the practical and insightful nature of his strategies.

In addition to his contributions during the seminar, Vrajolli held separate meetings with representatives from the NESA Center for Strategic Studies to discuss potential future collaborations. These discussions were promising, with possible concrete activities co-organized between KCSS and NESA expected in the near future, particularly focusing on capacity building regarding current trends of violent extremism targeting Kosovo law enforcement institutions and practitioners.

The NESA Executive Seminar concluded with a series of participant presentations and a closing ceremony, where Vrajolli’s insights were acknowledged as pivotal in advancing the seminar’s objectives. His involvement underscored the importance of cross-regional collaboration and knowledge exchange in addressing global security challenges.