Two-day training workshop on introduction to the: Use of risk assessment tools in Reintegration and Rehabilitation of returnees and Violent Extremist and Terrorist Offenders


Punëtori dyditore mbi: Përdorimin e mjeteve të vlerësimit të rrezikut në riintegrimin dhe rehabilitimin e të kthyerve dhe Shkelësve të Ekstremizmit të Dhunshëm dhe Terrorizmit

KCSS has started today the two-day training workshop on introduction to the “Use of risk assessment tools in Reintegration and Rehabilitation of returnees and Violent Extremist and Terrorist offenders". 

Offenders (VETOs)”The goal of this training is to increase the level of awareness among the Kosovo Probation Services (KPS) officials about the process of radicalization, individuals/groups at risk of radicalization, using the risk assessment tools for VETOs in daily work of KPS, and institutional data sharing on cases of terrorism.

This training, led by ICCT experts: Bibi van Ginkel, Méryl Demuynck, and Julie Coleman covered various aspects of risk assessment. In the first session, the audience gained a foundational understanding of risk assessment, including its aims, methodologies, and limitations. The second session provided an overview of global risk assessment models and best practices, featuring insights on the

Channel tool. The final presentation emphasized the significance of information sharing and risk assessment's role in enhancing reintegration processes through collaboration and communication.

This activity is organized in the framework of the project “Increase capabilities of Kosovo Probation Service on countering terrorism and violent extremism”, supported by the Kingdom of the Netherlands and British Embassy in Prishtina”.