Students in Prizren Trained to Combat Disinformation and Foreign Influence


Studentët në Prizren u trajnuan për luftimin e dezinformatave e ndikimeve nga jashtë

The Kosovar Center for Security Studies (KCSS) and the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN Kosovo) held a training session for students from the Prizren region aimed at addressing the growing impact of disinformation and foreign influence, particularly from Russia and China, as well as religious-based narratives in Kosovo. The training took place on September 17, 2024, led by experts from KCSS and BIRN Kosovo, focusing on equipping participants with skills to identify and combat disinformation.

Skënder Perteshi opened the training by discussing the strategic goals of radical religious organizations that use disinformation to undermine democratic institutions. Perteshi emphasized that these actors often target vulnerable audiences by spreading narratives designed to erode trust in secularism, democracy, and the rule of law.

The second part of the training, led by Labinot Leposhtica from BIRN Kosovo, shifted the focus to the role of Russian and Chinese disinformation in Kosovo. Leposhtica highlighted the global disinformation tactics used by these foreign actors to destabilize and influence public opinion. He presented specific examples of how Russian and Chinese narratives have infiltrated media platforms in Kosovo.

The training was designed to be more than just a theoretical discussion, actively involving participants in dialogue. They were encouraged to question the information they receive and were taught methods to fact-check and verify sources.

In addition to combating disinformation, the training emphasized the importance of promoting free and independent media in Kosovo. Both Perteshi and Leposhtica stressed the need for ongoing vigilance, especially as foreign actors continue to exploit digital platforms to spread false information.

Students recognized the importance of such training, noting that they are increasingly exposed to disinformation through various media channels. These sessions help equip them with critical analysis skills to identify false narratives and understand the strategies used by foreign and radical actors to manipulate public opinion.

This training was organized by KCSS and BIRN Kosovo as part of the project, "Raising Public Awareness of Russian, Chinese, and Religious Disinformation and Equipping Journalism Students and Journalists with the Skills to Identify, Analyze, and Combat Disinformation," supported by the Digital Activism Program from TechSoup Global.