
Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS), today, on 14 th of November 2018 has held the discussion with the local level in cooperation with the Municipality of Mitrovica, on the role of community and youth in the prevention of violent extremism. In this conference it was discussed about the security challenges and the role of education in this municipality as well as the engagement of community security councils (MCSCs), youth organizations, Council of Parents, schools and teachers on platforms that aimed at developing critical thinking and prevention of this phenomenon in their community.

Moreover, in this conference it was highlighted the role of the internet and how youth can be poetically be part of the extremist narratives in social media platforms.

In this panel were:

Mr.Faruk Mujka, Deputy Mayor of Municipality of Mitrovica

Mrs. Mimoza Hasani-Pllana, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Ms. Vesë Kelmendi, KCSS

This panel was moderated from Mrs. Rudine Jakupi, KCSS.

At this conference were present the directors of the municipality, directors of the schools, youth organizations in the municipality of Mitrovica, as well as citizens who work for the community. This conference discussed the need of psychologists in secondary schools and the cooperation between teachers, students and parents.

This activity is organized in the framework of the project “Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism in Kosovo through Youth and Community Engagement” supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Kosovo.