"Strengthening the capacities of frontline workers to prevent radicalization" training


Trajnimi “Fuqizimi i kapaciteteve të punëtorëve të vijës së parë për të parandaluar radikalizimin”

In the framework of the DRIVE project, KCSS has organized the third training with frontline workers to build capacities to prevent radicalization in prisons and to get familiar with Kosovo's practices for rehabilitation and reintegration of returned fighters.

For three days, correctional officers and other frontline workers who deal with the cases of repatriated individuals from conflict zones had the opportunity to improve their professional skills and engage in discussions about the challenges they face during the rehabilitation and reintegration process.

The first day of the training started with a presentation of the DRIVE project and its activities, while the first training session was about defining the key terms of violent extremism and radicalism and Kosovo's approach to R&R programs.

The second day of the training included two sessions about repatriation from conflict zones over the years, followed by case studies, lectured by Ganimete Gërbovci, and a session about mental health and the coordination of the rehabilitation process in prisons, lectured by Dr. Valbona Tafilaj. On the last day, Reka Varga lectured on the subject of Solidarity and Cohesion for an effective process of rehabilitation and reintegration.

This training was held within the project DRIVE (Disengagement, Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Violent Extremists), in partnership with the European Foundation for Southeast Asian Studies (EFSAS), supported by European Union’s Internal Security Fund - Police.