
Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) has successfully concluded the second and the last workshop for this year of the module for Security and Rule of Law within the European Integration School supported by the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS).

In this three-day workshop, panellists and participants discussed and exchanged information and expertise focused on: the main promoters of violent extremism; strategy on preventing violent extremism and radicalization that leads to terrorism; preventing violent extremism at a local/municipal level; the role of the media in terms of violent extremism; combating violent extremism from the perspective of civil society, with special emphasis on the need on reintegration and particularly the perspective of women and their role in the fight against violent extremism. Sessions within this workshop have triggered high interest among the participants and resulted in a fruitful discussions and exchange of information from different institutional perspectives. After the completion of the workshop participants were awarded with a certificate.

Participants of the Workshop on Preventing and Combating Violent Extremism were around 30 representatives of public institutions, namely those of security, justice, civil society, political parties and media. The speakers of this workshop were representatives of state institutions, religious communities, academics and representatives of civil society.

Module on Security and Rule of Law organized within the School for European Integration is an annual event of KCSS, in the course of activities aiming to advance and build capacities of the representatives of Kosovo institutions.