
Kosovar Centre for Security Studies, has organized the second workshop on Police Reform and Integrated Border Management, on 18 to 20 December 2015,in Brod, Kosovo. This workshop is organized within the module for Security and Rule of Law, which is part of the joint efforts of the Kosovo institutions in the framework of the common platform - European Integration School.

Module on Security and Rule of Law, respectively the second workshop on the reform of the Kosovo Police and the Integrated Border Management has offered participants:

- General knowledge regarding political and security relations between Kosovo and the EU, including the reform of the police and policing in the context of integration with the EU;

- General overview on the latest perceptions of the Kosovo citizens towards state institutions, as well as the main risks and threats to security in Kosovo;

- Knowledge of the cooperation between Kosovo with security institutions of the EU;

- Knowledge of the causes for the recent migration of the Kosovo citizens towards EU countries, numbers and other data on the departure and repatriation of Kosovo citizens and the consequences in the visa liberalization process for Kosovo.

This workshop was attended by a numerous representatives from Kosovo institutions, including security, justice, civil society, media and representatives of the municipal level whom were certified after the successful completion of two workshops organized by KCSS in Module within the Security and Rule of Law. Presentations and simulations during the three days workshop have triggered high interest to participants who actively debated to resolve the security issues for Kosovo dilemmas.

The aim of the Module for Security and Rule of Law is to offer a special program of non-formal education on the issues of development and reform of the security sector in Kosovo. This module focuses on specific processes in the context of a broader scope of security and the rule of law by addressing in particular segments of particular importance in the process of Kosovo's membership in the European Union (EU).

This module is supported by the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS).