Citizens' perceptions on interethnic relations: For Albanians and Serbs in Kosovo, key threats to peace and security include unemployment as well as the state of interethnic relations.


Perceptimet e qytetarëve për marrëdhëniet ndër-etnike: Për Shqiptarët dhe Serbët në Kosovë, kërcënimet kyçe të paqes përfshijnë papunësinë dhe marrëdhëniet ndëretnike

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) and the New Social Initative (NSI), in a media event, published today the results of a survey with 1,200 respondents across Kosovo on the citizen perceptions about interethnic relations and cooperation in Kosovo. The survey was conducted in the framework of the project “FIERC - Fostering Inter-Ethnic Cooperation & Reconciliation” funded by the Stability Pact Fund of the German Federal Foreign Office.

The survey was implemented from 28th October to 2nd of November by a multiethnic team of researchers, and covered major regions of Kosovo, including multiethnic communities, including villages, and therefore provides a very credible and comprehensive overview of what citizens think about the state of interethnic relations in Kosovo, and how it can be improved.

Unemployment and lack of jobs are the main concerns Kosovo Albanians (51%) as well as Kosovo Serbs (46%), followed by poor healthcare and corruption in public institutions. For Kosovo Albanians the three main threats to peace and security in their community are: unemployment (30%), lack of reconciliation between Kosovo and Serbia (21%) and corruption (16%). Similarly for the Kosovo Serbs, unemployment is considered the main threat to peace and security (29%), followed by the state of interethnic relations in Kosovo (19%) and thirdly political violence and political extremism (14%). When it comes to safety, 84% of Kosovo Albanians said they feel safe as members of their ethnic-group, compared to 44% of Kosovo Serbs who feel safe and 39% do not.

This survey will be followed by two additional reports on the state of interethnic relations in Kosovo, to be published by the end of the year.