The third meeting of the Community Forum for Public Interest took place in Lipjan


Në Lipjan u zhvillua takimi i tretë i Forumit të Komunitetit për Interes Publik

Lipjan, May 26, 2023: The third meeting of the Community Forum for Public Interest took place in Lipjan, an informal platform that brings together members of the majority and non-majority communities to discuss cooperation, and was established within the project to promote inter-ethnic relations and cooperation (FIERC) implemented by KCSS and NSI and funded by the German government.

The meeting was attended by members of the forum chaired by Lulzim Qerimi, deputy mayor of the Municipality for communities. In the meeting, it was discussed about the possibility of realizing and supporting a project that would serve the citizens and how much is needed to make this intervention. The idea that received the support of all members of the forum was the provision of various teaching materials for the kindergarten of the village of Gadime, in which children from the Albanian and Ashkali communities are enrolled. Anila Reqica, director of Youth Culture and Sport, will be committed to provide the list of necessary materials from the kindergarten staff in cooperation with the Director of Education in the Municipality of Lipjan. Transportation during the purchase of materials will be provided by the Municipality of Lipjan. A kindergarten manager and two members of the forum of the Public Interest Community of the Municipality of Lipjan will purchase the necessary equipment for the realization of the idea.

Community Forums in the Public Interest (CFPI) represent one of the main components of the FIERC project. They will serve as a platform for meetings between municipal structures and community representatives to discuss common issues and challenges of the communities living in the municipalities of Kosovo. CFPIs also aim to facilitate community communication and access to municipal decision-making authorities, with a primary focus on advancing inter-ethnic relations and cooperation.