The second meeting of the Community Forum for Public Interest took place in Kamenica


Në Kamenicë u zhvillua takimi i dytë i Forumit të Komunitetit për Interes Publik

Kamenica, May 25, 2023: The second meeting of the Community Forum for Public Interest took place in Kamenica, an informal platform that brings together members of the majority and non-majority communities to discuss cooperation, and was established within the project to promote inter-ethnic relations and cooperation (FIERC) implemented by KCSS and NSI and funded by the German government.

In the meeting of the forum, the members of the forum from the civil society and the representatives of the municipality took part, where it was discussed about the ideas proposed in the first meeting about where the intervention should be made, which is in the public interest. From the discussions, it was decided that the idea that received unanimous support is that in the city park of Kamenice, which is frequented by all communities, should be invested in the arrangement of basketball hoops and the volleyball net, this project is supported by 500 euros from the KCSS. Also, for the additional work that may occur during the adjustment of the sports fields, the municipality has also allocated an amount of 490 euros as support for the forum and the ideas that come from the forum meetings.

Community Forums in the Public Interest (CFPI) represent one of the main components of the FIERC project. They will serve as a platform for meetings between municipal structures and community representatives to discuss common issues and challenges of the communities living in the municipalities of Kosovo. CFPIs also aim to facilitate community communication and access to municipal decision-making authorities, with a primary focus on advancing inter-ethnic relations and cooperation.