
Kosovar Center for Security Studies (KCSS) on Wednesday and Thursday (30.11.2016 – 01.12.2016) has organized debates in three high schools in Gjakova. The purpose of these debates was to inform students on preventing violent extremism and radicalization in Kosovo.

KCSS has met and discussed with over 100 students of high schools such as “Hajdar Dushi” Gymnasium, the Economic High School “Kadri Kusari” and the Professional Technical High School “Nexhmedin Nixha” of Gjakova on violent extremism, causes that push towards radicalization and ways of preventing radicalization in Kosovo. Furthermore, tolerance, diversity and respect of human rights were also discussed. The students have presented their thoughts on violent extremism, what causes radicalization and how they see the role of their communities in preventing violent extremism.

These debates are organized in the framework of KCSS programme to counter violent extremism supported by the US Embassy in Prishtina, a project that aims to engage citizens' and community of 11 Municipalities of Kosovo in countering and preventing violent extremism and radicalization in Kosovo. “