
Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) today, on 5th of December 2016, has organized debates with students of two schools in Klina Municipality. The aim of those debates was to inform students about the causes and consequences of violent extremism and radicalism in the community where they live. We have asked students about the views toward this phenomenon, how do they see, how to prevent it and about the risks they may be faced with.

Except the discussion we have engaged them to work on groups in order to express their knowledge about violent extremism and radicalization. At the end of the debate we have shared them some brochures from where they can be informed more about this topic.

These debates are organized in the framework of KCSS programme to counter violent extremism supported by the US Embassy in Prishtina, a project that aims to engage citizens' and community of 11 Municipalities of Kosovo in countering and preventing violent extremism and radicalization in Kosovo.