Launching of the project: Increase capabilities of Kosovo Probation Service on countering terrorism and violent extremism


Lansimi i projektit:  Ngritja e kapaciteteve të Shërbimit Sprovues të Kosovës për parandalimin e ekstremizmit tē dhunshëm dhe terrorizmit

Today,  on the 4th of November 2022,  Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) organized the launch conference of the project: ‘Increase capabilities of Kosovo Probation Service on countering terrorism and violent extremism’ supported by the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the British Embassy in Pristina.

This project aims to strengthen the professional capacities of the Kosovo Probation Service in the fight against terrorism and violent extremism. The main objective of the project is professional support for the Kosovo Probation Service in matters of Rehabilitation and Re-integration for radicalized individuals and the individuals who returned from foreign wars.

The meeting had an informative and coordinating character with Kosovo institutions involved in R&R, donors, local and international organizations which are involved in R&R activities.

The conference concluded with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between KCSS and KPS.