Reassessing the Kosovo-Serbia Normalization Dialogue: It is Time for a Reset?


Rivlerësimi i dialogut të normalizimit Kosovë-Serbi: Është koha për një rivendosje?

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies

Supported by

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies


Ramadani Ilazi


This paper questions the effectiveness of the ongoing EU-led dialogue in normalizing relations between Kosovo and Serbia, despite various agreements made since 2011 when the process started. 

This paper argues that the current process is leading towards a scenario where “no solution is a solution” could become the default stance of the international community, particularly within EU capitals. This is a result of Serbia playing the long game and Kosovo the waiting game. Such an outcome would potentially carry devastating consequences as it cements the status quo, risks regional stability, maintains Kosovo’s isolation, and deepens interethnic tensions within Kosovo.