Inclusion or Exclusion - Minorities in the Security Sector in Post-Independent Kosovo


Përfshirje apo përjashtim – Minoritetet në Sektorin e Sigurisë në Kosovën e pas-pavarësisë

Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS)

Supported by



Donika Emini


The audience and the stakeholders of this paper are the security institutions in Kosovo, the Government of Kosovo, ethnic communities, their representatives and the international community involved in this process. Also, this paper seeks to provide an analytical framework on the existing state of affairs with respect to representation and inclusion of ethnic minorities in Kosovo’s security sector.

The paper offers a description on the establishment of security institutions in Kosovo. It also maps the main actors in the security sector in Kosovo, by offering a brief critical assessment to the current legal framework dealing with the inclusion of ethnic minorities in the security sector, as well as mechanisms and institutional responsibility for the inclusion of ethnic minorities. Also, the paper offers an assessment to the current situation of ethnic minorities’ inclusion and participation in the Kosovo Police (KP), the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) and the Kosovo Security Council (KSC) along with the challenges these institutions face in fulfilling the requirements provided by the legal framework.