Kosovar Centre for Security Studies is a beneficiary of the institutional grants to civil society.This project is financed by the Project Promotion of Democratic Society Party (DSP), funded by the Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo (SCO-K) and managed by Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF).
Kosovar Centre for Security Studies is a beneficiary of the institutional grants to civil society. This project is financed by the Project Promotion of Democratic Society Party (DSP), funded by the Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo (SCO-K) and managed by Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF).
The aim of the program "Monitoring and assessing the integrity in the Security Institutions of Kosovo" is to contribute to building trust towards security institutions in Kosovo, by fighting corruption, prevention of fraud and promoting principles of institutional integrity in the Kosovo Police and the Kosovo Security Force.
To implement this project, KCSS will use a comprehensive approach which will include Monitoring, Research, Analysis and Advocacy to change the current state of institutional integrity within the KP and the KSF. The duration of this grant will be three years and the activities within the project include six monitoring reports focusing on the KP and the KSF, roundtables, debates in the media and field research aiming to measure the perception of the citizens and officials within the KP and the KSF about the integrity in sector security.
This program will have a chain effect on the establishment of cooperation between civil society and the security sector in the context of a systematic democratic civilian control.
To learn more about the grant please click here.