
On 11th of May 2018, Kosovar Centre for Security Studies in cooperation with Dokufest organized the critical thinking debate with young students in the Municipality of Lipjan as part of the project “Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism in Kosovo through Youth and Community Engagement” which is supported by the Embassy of Netherlands in Kosovo.

Dokufest screened a short movie that was focused on the discrimination of certain communities. The movie was highly rated by the participants and each of them gave a short opinion about the movie itself and its subject. Participants were informed about the methods of debate KCSS staff, which they applied in discussing different topics with the focus on the youth’s role in society.

Through such activities, we want to make sure that young people are engaged in platforms of development of critical thinking on various phenomena that they may face in their community. This activity gathered around 45 young people from Lipjan Municipality which were certified for successful completion of critical thinking debate by KCSS.