
Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) with the support of the NATO Public Diplomacy Division (PDD) is organizing a study visit in NATO Headquarters in Brussels. The study visit is taking place in the NATO Headquarters in Brussels, and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) located in Mons, Belgium. The two-day study visit will be held from 15 th to 16 th of October 2018.

KCSS jointly with NATO PDD has brought twelve Kosovo’s representatives among the civil society sector, media and academia as well as key NATO senior representatives to discuss and share their insights on relevant issues with respect to the Euro-Atlantic future of Kosovo.

During the first day of the visit in NATO Headquarters, the participants have been briefed on NATO’s current political agenda, NATO partnerships and its role in the Western Balkans as well as NATO operations with special regards to KFOR’s mission in Kosovo being considered as one of the most successful stories of NATO’s peacekeeping missions. The current complex relationships between Kosovo and NATO through the enhanced interaction, the membership perspectives of Western Balkan countries into NATO, the Russian influence in the Western Balkans, and other security- related matters affecting NATO and Western Balkans have been largely discussed with senior officials of NATO HQ directly involved in the region and Kosovo as well. Furthermore, a roundtable discussion with the representatives of NATO Delegations of Albania, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom took place on regional cooperation about the stances of relevant NATO member countries towards political and security matters in the Western Balkans.